Invest Now or Pay Later…..Your Choice! Author: Marcia Page
While recently strolling through a shopping mall, I stumbled up on a group of teenagers. As the profanity became less and less bearable, I became...
Ayude a su estudiante a tomar GRANDES decisiones educativas
Para estudiantes del grado12 el tiempo es ahora. Para estudiantes del grado 11, el tiempo está cerca. Para estudiantes del grado 9 y 10, el...
Estudiantes, si no han solicitado la forma FAFSA/TASFA, es urgente que lo haga ahora!
No hay necesidad de esperar hasta último momento. El dinero es entregado a aquellos estudiantes que hayan presentado sus solicitudes. Estudiantes visiten a su consejero...
Helping your student make GREAT educational decisions
For seniors the time is now. For juniors, the time is close. For sophomores and freshmen, the time is around the corner. How will you...
URGENT, Apply for FAFSA/TASFA now!
Students if you have not applied for FAFSA/TASFA, it is URGENT that you do so now! There is no need to wait until last minute,...
Estudiantes, están todavía en busca de dinero para pagar la universidad? No es demasiado tarde!
Estudiantes, están todavía en busca de dinero para pagar la universidad? No es demasiado tarde para completar la FAFSA o TASFA! Cuanto antes se complete...
File Your Taxes Early to Maximize Your Student’s Financial Aid Package
It’s tax time! For many families this can be a stressful time of the year and the urge to wait until April 15th to file...
Presente su declaración de impuestos temprano para maximizar el paquete de ayuda financiera para su hija o hijo.
Es el tiempo del impuesto! Para muchas familias esto puede ser un momento estresante del año y la necesidad de esperar hasta el 15 de...
Still looking for money to pay for college? It’s not too late…
Students, are you still looking for money to pay for college? It’s not too late to complete the FAFSA or TASFA! The sooner you complete...
Welcome to my new Blog, a dialog about education…the challenges, the triumphs, what’s new and next!
As President and CEO of Education is Freedom (EIF), I am always thinking about the important work of getting our students to graduate from high...
Welcome to EIF’s Blog for Parents
Welcome to our new Education is Freedom (EIF) community Blog for parents. Hopefully, you are already part of our Facebook family and following EIF on...
Welcome to EIF’s Blog for Students
Welcome to our new Education Is Freedom (EIF) community Blog for students. Hopefully, you are already part of our Facebook family and following EIF on...