Students, are you still looking for money to pay for college? It’s not too late to complete the FAFSA or TASFA! The sooner you complete the application the better chances you will have of receiving financial aid. A major benefit of applying for financial aid is that most schools tend to award greater amounts of money to the first round of students who apply for financial aid. Don’t forget to complete your FAFSA/TAFSA as soon as possible!!
Materials needed in order to complete the FAFSA:
– 2011 IRS 1040 Form (Parent and Student)
– 2011 W2 Form (Parent and Student)
– Any financial documents related to Assets, Benefits and Savings
– Your FAFSA Pin Number (Parent and Student)
– Social Security Cards
Items needed in order to complete TASFA:
– Parents’ 2011 IRS 1040 Form
– 2011 W2 Form
Confused? Need assistance? Visit the Education is Freedom website and get more information about the financial aid process here.
Best regards,
Education is Freedom, Dallas, TX